I’d like to extend a warm welcome to Heidi Cullinan who’s stopping by the Back Porch to chat about her new book Enjoy the Dance and an offer a chance to participate in a giveaway.
Dance with your heart, and love will follow.
Kindergarten teacher Spenser Harris has carved a quiet, stable future out of his tumultuous past, but his world turns upside down the night a homeless teen appears on his doorstep—a boy whose story mirrors the one Spenser has worked so hard to overcome. The decision to shelter Duon is easy. What’s tricky is juggling the network of caregivers in Duon’s life, especially Tomás Jimenez.
Tomás wouldn’t have hesitated to take Duon in, but his plate is already full working three jobs to support his family. Though Spenser’s carefully constructed walls are clearly designed to keep the world at bay, Tomás pushes past Spenser’s defenses, determined to ensure the man is worthy of his charge. As the two of them grow closer, Tomás dares to dream of a life beyond his responsibilities, and Spenser begins to believe he might finally find a home of his own after all.
But Spenser and Tomás’s world is poised to crash around their ears. Duon’s grandmother isn’t sure she wants him to be raised by a gay man and challenges Spenser’s custody. Tomás’s undocumented parents could be deported at any time, and all the while the state of Minnesota votes on a constitutional amendment against marriage equality and the US Supreme Court debates whether or not Spenser and Tomás get a happily ever after. All they can do is hold tight to their love, hope for a better future…and remind each other to enjoy the dance.
Cover Artist:
Heidi Cullinan
Contemporary, M/M, LGBT+
224 e-book pages
3rd person
Dancing (Book 2)
There was a sparkle to Tomás’s voice he’d never heard before. Like Duon, dance was where Tomás’s passion lay.
It wasn’t Spenser’s. In fact, he frankly hated to dance. He’d been keenly aware every time he went clubbing that some people had natural rhythm and some people did not. He was one of the latter.
Sometimes he wondered if his failure at dance was the reason he never dated. Hookups only wanted a bed, but dates always seemed to involve a dance floor, which meant whatever charm Spenser had managed up until that part of the evening evaporated in five minutes of awkward gesticulations. So now he only hooked up, never dated, and never danced, full stop. Not even at weddings.
But he had made a bargain with Duon, and though initially he’d planned to weasel out, he decided as a parent now his job was to stick to his word. He could hide under his covers and work through his mortification once he was alone at home.
The bell rang to announce the end of noon recess, and Spenser stopped thinking about dance lessons and how much he didn’t want them. Not until the bell rang again, signaling the end of the day, letting him know it was time to pay the piper.
He half-hoped Duon had forgotten, but he had no such luck. Grinning wide enough to split his face, eyes dancing with anticipation, Duon leaped into the car when Spenser approached the high school. “You ready for your lesson, teach?”
Spenser gave a defeatist salute, and Duon laughed. He then peppered Spenser with questions—did he know this move or that one, and he was incredulous when every question received a “no, I don’t” as the answer. Thankfully, it wasn’t far from Duon’s school to the studio, so Spenser didn’t have to endure this for long. Unfortunately, this also meant it was that much less time until Spenser walked into the boy’s locker room, clutching his duffel and wondering what in the hell he’d gotten himself into.
Tomás was in there already, wearing a tight T-shirt and a pair of shorts barely covering his ass and showcasing his…everything. He was a little taller than Spenser and significantly more muscular, though not like Laurie’s husband. His muscles were lean but well-defined.
They were also highly distracting.
Tomás hugged Duon and wished him congratulations on his new official home, and then he smiled at Spenser, an eager grin making the sparkle in his eyes that much brighter. “You ready for your dancing lesson?”
“Hell yes, he is,” Duon answered for him, tossing his arm around Spenser’s shoulders.
Spenser disentangled himself gently from his charge. “I’m fairly sure I’m about to make a fool of myself, but I made Duon a promise, and I intend to keep it.”
“Don’t worry. We’ll go easy on you.” Tomás winked, and Spenser blushed.
He tried to hide in the back, but both Duon and Tomás insisted he be up front. Duon wanted this because he was in the front, Tomás because he pointed out he could see his instruction from there. There were twelve other students, all of them teenagers, most of them male, exactly one of them white—Spenser. Until Laurie came out of his office to lean on the doorway and watch, Spenser was the only one melanin-challenged in the whole studio.
And yes, he understood dancing ability wasn’t correlated to race—the owner of the studio being exhibit A—but he couldn’t help feeling like everyone else present had come with not only a crib sheet but the teacher’s edition to the lesson Tomás was giving. They didn’t laugh at him when he screwed up every single step, but that was almost worse. And the more badly he performed, the more nervous he became, until he left the floor, red-faced, making a great show of drinking from the fountain on the side of the room until he could get his mortification under control.
This was worse than his failed dates in college. This was a goddamned nightmare.
He wanted to call it quits, but when he saw Duon watching him, smiling and motioning impatiently for him to come back to the dance, he knew he couldn’t. Spenser was almost wooden now as he endured the lesson, no longer trying to keep up, only doing his best to get to the end of this class so he could never, ever offer to do something so awful again.
But when it was over, Tomás and Duon ganged up on him, telling him what a good job he’d done. Spenser couldn’t handle it any longer. “Are you insane? I was awful.”
Tomás held up his hands. “Whoa, whoa. You weren’t awful. And you had a pretty big disadvantage, because we’ve been working on this routine for months now.”
Spenser wasn’t having any of this. His face was red, with exertion, with embarrassment, and with decades-old shame. “I’ve never been able to dance. And it turns out when you don’t try for ten years, you get worse.”
Duon and Tomás exchanged a look. Then Duon scuttled toward the locker room. When Spenser attempted to follow, Tomás caught him gently by the elbow and led him to the floor. “Oh no. You, Mr. Harris, are getting another dancing lesson.”
Spenser broke free of the grip and backed away. “No, thank you.”
Tomás did a fancy step and blocked him. When Spenser went the other direction, Tomás blocked him again. And again. When Spenser sighed in frustration, Tomás winked at him. “See? You’re a natural. You’re dancing right now.”
It had been a long day, the next day would be longer if the amendment passed, and Spenser didn’t need this. “I don’t care if I can dance or not. I want to go home.”
“I can’t let you go, not when you’re this frustrated. I’d be a terrible teacher if I allowed you to leave.”
Oh, this was a low blow, because of course he was right. Spenser went for blunt. “I’m tired.”
But Tomás wasn’t having it. “Fifteen minutes. Give me fifteen minutes.”
“Take an hour.” This came from Laurie, who stood at the door to the studio with Duon, who now wore loose sweats and a winter jacket. “I owe a young man some ice cream, and the next class got cancelledbecause Susan’s sick.” He waved at Spenser. “Knock ’em dead, tiger.”
And just like that, Spenser had landed himself in the middle of an hour-long private lesson.
With Tomás.
Guest Post: an Interview
Interviews are a staple of blog tours, but this time I’d like to shake things up, because while I did my homework as best I could to write Enjoy the Dance, I’m by no means an expert. I wanted to let you hear from some people who know a lot more than me about the subjects touched on in the story, and one of those people is my friend (and friend to many of you!) Laura Adriana, who has worked as an immigrant advocate and has worked for social justice in a variety of ways for over eleven years.
You can read part one of this interview at My Fiction Nook.
Heidi: Lin Manuel Miranda dropped the mic with his line in Hamilton: “Immigrants, we get the job done.” I’m going to go out on a limb and assume you agree with Miranda, but why? What unique aspects do you feel the immigrant work ethic can bring to a country?
Laura: I absolutely, agree! As a sidebar I had the great fortune to see Hamilton while Lin Manuel was in the show and that line brought the house down!
In terms of what we bring…look a person that leaves everything they have ever known and loved to come to a strange place, with a language they can’t speak sometimes making that journey on foot at times, risking everything, because they believe in the promise of this country. A person that comes through that will work tirelessly to fulfill that. Most of us quietly come here to serve others, to do the work that many won’t do, and we do it with proudly, that is what we came here for.
Heidi: In Enjoy the Dance, Tomás’s parents are undocumented, and their situation is unfortunately not unique to fiction. How does being undocumented complicate the immigration process?
Laura: Well, it depends! Each situation is different, and how a person entered the country to begin with usually affects that. For example if you came in with a visa and just stayed, is different from a person crossing the border illegally. In the end, it’s all about what path to citizenship a person can try for. In Tomas’ family’s case, Tomas or his sister could have sponsored their parents themselves.
Any U.S. Citizen over the age of 21 can petition for one or both parents to become legal permanent residents (green card holders) which eventually would allow them to become US Citizens. The problem for most people is that the process is costly, and for some families if they’ve been here unauthorized, they could be forced to leave the country and apply from their “home country” which for someone who has not left the US in decades could be terrifying. Also finding affordable and honest legal services can be daunting. That’s why sometimes it seems easier to remain out of status.
Heidi: What challenges to undocumented/unauthorized persons face that people don’t realize?
Laura: Well they have no rights essentially, they have very limited access to any social services, like health care. They cannot get any government assistance, and can even be reluctant to report a crime committed against them. Thankfully there has been legislation passed, like the Violence Against Women Act, that has allowed for special visas to be granted for victims of domestic violence and human trafficking, but it is a drop in the bucket.
There’s more to this interview! Come see part three at Bike Book Reviews on October 5. Follow the rest of the blog tour, with other interviews and information at Heidi’s website.
Purchase Links:
Amazon | ARe | BN | iTunes | Kobo | Scribd | Smashwords
First Book in the Series:
Dance with Me GR | Amazon | Are | BN | Google Play | Kobo
About the Author:
Heidi Cullinan has always enjoyed a good love story, provided it has a happy ending. Proud to be from the first Midwestern state with full marriage equality, Heidi is a vocal advocate for LGBT rights. She writes positive-outcome romances for LGBT characters struggling against insurmountable odds because she believes there’s no such thing as too much happy ever after. When Heidi isn’t writing, she enjoys cooking, reading, playing with her cats, and watching television with her family. Find out more about Heidi at heidicullinan.com.
See this? It could all be YOURS!
Prize pack includes: Enjoy the Dance paperback, Dance with Me paperback, No House To Call My Home paperback, MIKA The Origin of Love CD, a box of Lady Grey tea, a bottle of Tajìn seasoning
Click the Rafflecopter logo to enter:
Giveaway ends October 20, 2016.
Hold on to your lounge chairs…there’s a 2nd Giveaway!
Comment below and one winner will be selected randomly on Saturday, October 8th at 3PM Eastern to win one e-copy of Enjoy the Dance.
**2nd giveaway here on BackPorchReader is now officially closed**
Blog Tour Stops:
October 3rd
My Fiction Nook
October 4th
Back Porch Reader
October 5th
Bike Book Reviews
October 6th
Diverse Reader
The Day Before You Came
Fangirl Moments & My Two Cents
October 7th
Ticket to Anywhere
Au Boudoir Ecarlate
October 8th
Just Love: Romance Novel Reviews
October 10th
Boy Meets Boy Reviews
Molly Lolly
October 11th
Gay Book Reviews
Scattered Thoughts & Rogue Words
Books For Fun
Reviews by Tammy and Kim
Pretty Sassy Cool
October 12th
Book Reviews & More by Kathy
Bayou Book Junkie
Joyfully Jay
October 13th
Oh My Shelves Blog
Love Bytes
Under The Covers Book Blog
Wicked Reads
October 14th
Sinfully Gay Romance Book Reviews
Kris & Vik Book Therapy Cafe
October 17th
The Novel Approach
October 18th
Penny Reads Romance
October 20th
Prism Book Alliance
Thank you for this post and congrats on the upcoming release of Enjoy the Dance.
I loved the first book in this series and enjoyed reading this post, partly as it show how important good research is to writing fiction. thank you for the giveaway chance to win a copy of Enjoy the Dance 🙂
***The BackPorchReader Giveaway of a copy of Enjoy the Dance has officially closed***
The winner, by the highly scientific method of a coin toss administered by an impartial third party, is Sula. Congrats Sula! An email is headed your way.
The Rafflecopter Giveaway remains open until October 20th.
The comments remain open for general discussion. Carry on and THANKS for visiting!