The Blurb:
Knowing he’s loved can make any man fly.
Fifteen years ago, Ben Warren was a wakeboarding champion: king of big air, ballsy tricks, and boned grabs. Until a career-ending injury left him broken in ways he still has no hope of fixing. Now he takes his thrills where he can get them, and tries not to let life hurt too much.
Then Davis Fox arrives in Ben’s sporting goods store with a plan to get in touch with his estranged brother by competing in the annual wakeboarding double-up contest. The catch? He’s never ridden before. It’s crazy, but Ben’s a sucker for the guy’s sob story—and for his dimples, too—so he agrees to coach Davis.
Davis is everything Ben isn’t: successful, confident, and in love with life. And he wants Ben to love life—and him—too. But before Ben can embrace a future with Davis, he needs to remember how to hope.
The Stats:
Riptide Publishing
Contemporary, M/M, GLBT+
118 e-book pages
1st person
Series, book 1
Edition I read:
Kindle Edition
The Review:
This was a short and fun read.
With the unseasonably warm weather I’m still enjoying (on my back porch) I’m not ready to start reading wintery Christmas themed books. So this was a perfect choice for last night.
I’m a water rat. I’ve been swimming since I was six months old when my mother put me in an experimental infant swimming class back in the early 70s. We have Ektachrome video of my mom dunking my infant self under water…and holding me down for a five count and also diving solo for rings at around 8 months. I grew up by the ocean, then went to college more inland—but was still near lakes. The strange thing is, that I’m not much into sports in the water other than, in my youth, swim team. Surfing, skiing, jet skis, etc. are all a bit too extreme for me. I much prefer riding in a boat than being dragged along behind it. But I sure as hell watched the boys. And oh how they could fly.
I’m not super familiar with the wakeboarding—somehow that one escaped me. But it was fun learning about it and watching some youtube videos.
Ben and Davis were fantastic and thoroughly enjoyable. Ben reminds me of so many of the guys I went to high school with who are also Peter Pans. I’ve seen some of those guys still bumming the beach and catching waves in their 40s…one day they’ll break a hip.
Davis was—just blushing sweet with a sooooper sexy dominant streak. I liked how he stood firm in his convictions; that’s hard to do when you’re head over heals in love.
Eddie, the best friend, was awesome! He was fun, insightful, a good friend to have who takes no shit–and also the kind of guy who answers his phone when his best friend calls…no matter what he’s tied up with.
Yeah, a nice summer read on a chilly November night. It’s supposed to be 70 degrees today, but rainy, so I might need to hunt down another summery book.